Even if you aren’t a car expert, you have probably already heard of the timing belt kit, or more simply of engine timing. But do you know how it works? The timing belt kit is a collection of parts that enables the synchronisation of the pistons and valves, while enabling the cooling of the engine. It is made up of different parts, such as:
There are two main types of engine timing in the car market: the timing belt and the timing chain.
Each has advantages and disadvantages, which is why engine timing differs from one manufacturer to another.
The timing chain: with an almost unlimited service life, the timing chain should last you from the very first to the very last day you use your car. It also resists temperature changes effectively due to its metallic composition. On the other hand, it is noisier and louder than the timing belt, and therefore guzzles energy. It is also more expensive to repair.
The timing belt: in contrast to the timing chain, it is less noisy, less expensive and less energy-greedy. It is also more fragile (being made of rubber) and needs to be replaced more often.
The service life of a timing belt is from 70,000 to 100,000 km, while that of a timing chain is over 200,000 km! The timing belt kit is one of the most important mechanisms in your car and guarantees the correct functioning of your engine. If it fails, it can have serious consequences for your engine’s health and can even lead to its death... It is therefore important to regularly check your engine timing and its components, as changing the timing belt kit can quickly become costly.
The timing belt kit needs to be changed in the following circumstances:
Water pump problem: the water pump can become loose and cause the cooling liquid to leak. Leaking will initially cause corrosion of the pulleys and tensioners, and eventually damage the belt.
Leakage from the crankshaft or camshaft seal: the oil attacks the rubber of the belt and leads to the heating of the pulleys and tensioners.
Jamming of the tensioner or water pump (in the case of belt timing system).
Breaking of the belt drive: this belt, also called the alternator belt, can become damaged. As it deteriorates, it passes behind the crankshaft pulley and can destroy the timing belt or cause it to jump, so it is important to check its tension - especially since the drive belt is easily identifiable, unlike the timing belt.
Engine design flaw.
Exceeding mileage recommended by the manufacturer.
Replacing a timing belt kit yourself: changing a timing belt kit is far from easy. In addition to requiring special tools, such a repair demands a relatively high level of mechanical expertise. The smallest setting error and that's the end of your engine!
To completely change your timing belt kit, trust in Mister-Auto.co.uk! The European leader in spare- parts sales on the Internet, Mister-Auto offers more than 300,000 models, always at the lowest prices. So for the maintenance of your vehicle, keep Mister-Auto in mind!